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使えるSynonyms: 引く

執筆者の写真: MasumiMasumi

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洋書Lovers普及委員会 委員長のMasumiです。




・pull: 上下、前後に引く、引っ張るの一般語

・draw: 軽く滑らかに引く

・drag: 重いものを引っ張る

・tug: 力を込めて急に引く

My kids pull the weeds from the ground while I gather them in one place.



He drew the kitten toward himself.



They dragged the bags full of soil and placed them in the corner of the truck.



The dog tugged the owner, but he knew how the dog will react when seeing a car driving, he held the string tight, so he won’t trip.



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