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洋書Lovers普及委員会 委員長のMasumiです。
・escape from: 自分を現実に捕えているものから逃れる
・escape: 自分を現実に捕えているものから未然に逃れること
・avoid: 意識的、積極的に危険、不快などの恐れのあるものから遠のく
・evade: Avoidよりさらに積極的に何らかの手段を使って回避する
・elude: きわどい場面で相手の裏をかいて逃れる
The climax of the first part of the play is when the couple escape from the pursuers.
Some people think taking the role of deputy leader is like escaping the offer to be the leader.
Cats avoid eye contact to avoid the fight.
I take train instead of driving car to avoid traffic jam.
She moved to the next compartment of the train to elude the stranger who is continuously shouting.